2018-06-30: Seattle Waterfront Fursuit Walk & Mingle

Saturday, June 30th, 2018 @5PM

This will be my first Fursuit Walk in Seattle. The weather MAY not cooperate, but after being rained out twice I’m still going to give it a shot. Who’s with me! 😛


Absolute cheapest is street parking, if you can find a spot. From B->D there’s back in parking, and there’s lots of parking under the freeway. If you want more privacy, A.1 Watermark Garage ( 1108 Western Ave, Seattle, WA ) is $12 for 4 hours, $26 until 10PM. Between the two is A.2 Waterfront Place #2, which runs $10 for weekend evening rates.


5PM! I’ll be protesting earlier in the day until 3PM, and will probably arrive a bit early. We should plan for at least 2 hours in-suit, potentially 3. Up to 4 hours total for suiting up, walking, interacting, returning, desuiting.

After suiting up, we’ll meet at B The Frankfurter stand, then start moving towards C Ferris Wheel for the main traffic & interactions. I’d like to make sure we head to D Aquarium for some neat water-fountain photos before heading back.

Once we’re wrapped up, I’ll make a reservation at Pier 55 R Red Robin for those that are interested in dinner and conversation. 😊


I have not gained clearance into any buildings. Pier 57 business interiors are off limits (security informed me their cameras run facial recognition that freaks out with masks). That’s the one with the ferris wheel. I’d love to eventually get permission for the carousel, but not today.

We’ll be in an urban setting, so be prepared. The ground’s mostly even, but there are some stairs here and there. Beware of kids with ice cream, etc.

I’ll have water bottles and backpacks and long-straws for anyone that’s willing to be a handler. But don’t count on a handler being present (bring your own handler if your suit needs one).

It may start sprinkling. We’ll try to keep to some awnings for a bit if it does, and if it continues we’ll have to call it. But you may get a bit damp.

We’ll probably have a spot to take off heads if we need to, around the Aquarium, but it should be cool enough we may not bother.

Human Participants

Have a spiel ready when someone asks what we are doing. “It’s just a group that loves to suit up in custom characters, be silly, and remind kids and adults alike to have fun.”

I’d like someone to have the Accuweather Minutecast app to give us a heads up… it’s been crazy accurate for me, and will tell us if it’s getting worse or clearing up shortly.


Check in with the suit of your choice every 30 minutes or so to make sure they’re staying hydrated.

Be aware of small children in the blindspots of the fursuit (immediately in front, anywhere to the side or behind). Stop the child, or the fursuiter, to avoid kick-the-kid.

Tap the fursuiter on the shoulder if they need to pay attention (group has moved on, someone wants a photo op, etc.)

Fursuits can see large poles and walls, but unusually tall curbs/steps are our bane. Lend a hand here.

If you spot a kid with a chocolate ice cream cone racing up for a hug, feel free to step between and say something.


Kids: Parents love to force them into our arms. Sometimes switching to a veeeery outstretched fistbump or high-five can be a lot less intimidating than being forced to hug a huge floofy creature. If they are shy and the parents are forcing them to give a hug, I find acting shy and mimicking them defuses things (hiding behind another furry and peeking out, etc.)

Stay hydrated.

Keep paws visible during photo-ops with humans.

Stay hydrated.

If a dog is getting protective/barking, avoid eye contact:  They think you’re staring them down.

Stay hydrated!

SAFETY FIRST! If you don’t feel good, take off your head. I’m all about keeping the magic, but it’s not worth risking your life over. If you do take off your head, stay to the periphery.


IMPORTANT: Your health and Safety are foremost. If for any reason you need help call out. DO NOT worry about breaking the magic, this is urban suiting and I’d rather try to block a child’s vision or even upset one as apposed to calling an ambulance. Seriously if you need to remove your head for any reason do so.

If you made it this far, ping me for the Telegram coordination group!

March 18, 2018: Kubota Gardens

In March, I showed up at Kubota Gardens in Seattle with a camera in tow. Word on the vine was there’d be a sighting of a whole heck-of-a-lot of fluffs. I was not disappointed!

As I parked, @CheetahObscura, @CryptoDawg, and @DykeGrenadier had already found each other.

They were soon joined by @nullreff, @MikeFolf,
and @Reo_GrayFox (@ChiswickGryphon would arrive later).

Hugs were had, then more hugs. Then a quick embrace or two.

After making preparations for the warm spring day, it was time to head out!

We got closer, just as a toddler and their parents were leaving the park. The child was a bit apprehensive, but I turned on some music for a cheerful mood and soon everyone was dancing. I didn’t realize it’d take quite so long to get everyone to stop dancing. 🙂

Entering the park, there were plenty of spots for relaxing and taking in the gorgeous environment. Reo made sure to claim this bench from competitive perchers.

Don’t worry, Reo did share. 😉

So, time progressed and everyone was having some fun… but then in the distance…

Oh hoh! Who was that?!
Yes!! @ChiswickGryphon had arrived.

The gang was now all there, so it was finally time for some group shots.

My, what a wonderful day with the cool breeze gently flowing in and the bright sun popping in and out of fluffy white clouds. It was truly splendid.

And, it was such a lackadaisical day. The only sounds came from the wind in the trees and the babbling of a nearby stream. The still water of a nearby pond was quite an attraction…

Hmmm. It appeared that it was getting late in the day. Chiswick started eyeing the large koi in the pond.

Oh. OH. Oh dear! Everyone was getting hungry. No doubt about it, it was definitely time to start packing up!

With a bit of searching, I tracked down a “Doughnut & Espresso Thai/Teriyaki Laundromat.” A nearby local insisted it was a must-go place, and it did have high ratings. Did I mention the critters were hungry? An executive decision was made and we headed out.

And lest you doubt this tale, it was a real place.

Thanks for reading! More of these photos can be found here!


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Photos are working!

Starting to like this WordPress technology. You can check out my ‘best-of’ photos from Flickr on the Photos page, and apparently it’ll auto-update as I upload new pictures there.

I’m liking it… until WP decides to auto-destroy the .htaccess files, breaking the dashboard and website itself, and I have to spend two hours tracking down the violating PHP…

What A Year!

A little over a year ago, and after a 20-year-long hiatus, I chose to jump back into the fandom with all paws and reckless abandon. What followed was an amazing journey to new places and new friends. AnthroNW, Furlandia, two Further Confusions, Midwest Fur Fest… I’ve met so many fascinating individuals and had the time of my life!

Just a few weeks ago I spent an amazing time in San Francisco for a work-related talk.  My visit provided me an opportunity to hang out with Spottacus, Amenophis, Opda, Ashke, and others. I finally made it out to the institution which is Thursday Night Wicked Chicken. I had an amazing dinner with a view of the Golden Gate Bridge. I stayed up until 5AM talking with truly smart individuals.

To be honest, I’ve never hung out with more than one person when visiting a city.
I’ve… well, I’ve never had that many acquaintances in the town I live in, much less growing friendships abroad.

The furry fandom has provided me with so much. Thank you!

So! Last year, I registered this domain. I planned to get around to posting more thoughtful blog entries rather than the brief tweets. Maybe start up a bit of a shop catering to my favorite community? As my first BLFC approaches, it’s beyond time to get started!

Now to figure out this WordPress thing…